Keys of Life
Keys of Life

The key of life- Spirituality of mind, body and soul

The key of life is the spirituality of mind body and soul

The key of life is the spirituality of mind body and soul .These are the three factors which greatly affects one’s life. Healthy mind and body can live in a healthy body so it is very important to take care of our body to enjoy the life at fullest in every age.

Taking care of health is  very important  nowadays. Everyone needs to be more vigil about their health. To feel happy, energetic, cool, calm always stay connected to the people who makes you smile and laugh or become the person itself that everyone likes you and your aura.

Happiness lies in your smile
Happiness lies in your smile

As it is well said “Time and tide waits for none”– when there is time in hand, no one thinks about their health, but after some time as we age, we feel tired, less energetic, sick and not even able to do our daily activities with the same pace. So it’s better to understand the benefits of exercise and fitness as soon as possible to become more healthy.

Health not only means being physically fit and to look good, but we need to understand all aspects of health- mentally, socially, emotionally, vocationally, physically.

Here, I am talking about women’s health. Most of the women never think about themselves – they don’t even realize the importance of their health and that it’s equally important like other activities going on in their lives. I am here considering the health of a women @40 as I experienced all the changes that come in life at the age of thirty to forty.

There is a lot of changes occur in the human body as we age. The change in hormonal balance starts at the age of forty and body starts losing energy, muscle strength, stamina, thinking power is also affected and different diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, stress, arthritis, emotional imbalance, lack of physical strength get room to enter in our body.

So, ladies why do you think these problems occur In our body at the age of forty’s or why do we realize this after time goes away or we realize when all these things happens in our body. Then we can only think about us what is happening? why does it happen? I am working I am active I am doing all my household works very efficiently but why I am getting these problems?

So, listen carefully all beautiful and lovely ladies, in my opinion all these problems occur due to not exercising in early 30s to maintain our strength, stamina, youthfulness, beautiful physique and happy go lucky mind you have to start exercising as early as possible.

“Being busy is a good thing but being organized and getting at least one hour for selfcare is very important in life.”


6 Tips for healthy habits-

  • Wake up before sunrise and exercise regularly. Exercise can help and boost metabolism to prevent many health related issues  and also boost happy hormones which makes you feel happy and good
  • Eat healthy As what you eat is closely linked to your health, mind and body. Limit unhealthy end processed foods.
  • Plan your work accordingly and beforehand to stay away from hassle free situation.
  • Always take care of the five main aspects of personal health: physical emotional social spiritual and intellectual.
  • A drink enough water and always stay hydrated to keep your skin glowing and healthy.
  • Get a good night’s sleep to rejuvenate  your skin and regain your energy at the fullest and to  stay in good shape.

Myfitnessfunda@Stay healthystayfit

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