Effect of Exercise on the Gastrointestinal System

Effect of Exercise on the Gastrointestinal System

It’s very important to under why and how exercise improves your gut health as well as gastrointestinal issues like constipation, gastric issues, bloating, Gerd. Evidences proves that physical activity can improve intestinal motility and helps in relieving all kind of gastric issues.

Peristalsis of intestine gets activated with physical activity means the contraction of muscles which involves in the digestion process gets activated due to improved blood circulation and has lower transit time(gastric emptying time).

The digestive system plays a vital role in the physiological functioning of the body, it is the most important system that generates and provides the energy that we need to perform all our vital functions and day to day life activities.

Types of exercise to improve Gastrointestinal System

Type of exercise both cardiovascular(aerobic) and Strength(resistance) Training can improve the overall health of the individual depending their ability. After performing 60 minutes of both exercises which is a combination of resistance training and running, 3 times per week for a period of 12 weeks can help in improving digestion as well as over all health.

1.Cardiovascular Activities

Exercise also promotes positive physiological changes, such as it improves heart health and lung health which improves blood circulation. Performing cardio activities thrice a week has a great impact on overall health.

  • Improves Heart health

    Cardiovascular Activities helps in improving heart health by strengthening of heart muscles and Improves the muscles’ ability to pull oxygen out of the blood, reducing the need for the heart to pump more blood to the muscles. Reduces stress hormones that can put an extra burden on the heart. Lowers blood pressure and triglycerides, raises HDL cholesterol, and reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. It also helps your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels, and may help you quit smoking. 

  • Weight management

    Regular exercising helps you in maintaining a healthy weight and prevent weight gain. Strengthens your heart, lungs, bones, muscles, and joints. It can also help you complete everyday tasks with less effort, and increase your energy levels. 

Improves Brain function and sleep and mood

During exercise body releases growth hormones as well ae Endorphins(natural painkillers) which helps in relieve pain, reduce stress, and improves mood, improves executive function, which is the ability to organize and interpret information, and act on it. It also increases blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, which helps control executive function.

Can help you sleep better, but exercising too close to bedtime may make it harder to sleep.

2.Resistance Training Exercises

Performing Resistance training exercises thrice a week for 45 minutes gives you strength and helps i regenerating the cells, tissue and bones. In strength training, one can use their body weight or some other external equipment’s to perform exercises and improves muscular strength and endurance. Equipment like dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, or bands. Here are some examples of resistance training exercises:

    1. Push-ups (or modified push-ups and all types of pushups)
    2. Squats body weight or weighted exercises


  1. Seated rows with resistance band.
  2. Glute bridges body weight or weighted exercises
  3. Overhead presses with resistance band.
  4. Bird dogs.
  5. Deadlifts

Benefits of Resistance Training

There are many be benefits of Resistance Training example:

• Improved cardiovascular efficiency
• Improved hormone and cholesterol adaptations
• Increased muscle size
• Increased bone density
• Increased metabolism
• Decreased body fat
• Increased coordination
• Increased tendon and ligament strength
• Increased muscular endurance, strength, and power

3 Benefits of doing Yoga

By increasing blood flow and circulation, yoga enhances digestion by hastening excretion and encouraging peristalsis, which wards off constipation. It lowers the risk of colon cancer by removing toxins from the body through enhanced lymphatic system drainage and evacuation through the bowels.The movement practice is also good for those who need to get stuff moving when they’re feeling belly discomfort. “Certain yoga postures can gently compress and release the stomach and colon, including twists and forward folds,.”

Yoga poses are an excellent approach to work on the digestive system since they stimulate the digestive fire. Asana movements can help your liver and kidneys detoxify, as well as gently compress and release the stomach and colon. For this, twists and forward folds have a significant impact.

Yoga can help improve digestion in several ways, including:

• Blood flow:

Yoga can increase blood flow in the digestive organs, which can help with digestion and prevent constipation.

• Digestive enzymes:

Deep breathing from the diaphragm can stimulate digestive enzymes.

• Abdominal strength:

Yoga can help build abdominal strength, which can improve digestion.

• Lymphatic system:

Yoga can improve lymphatic system drainage, which can help eliminate toxins from the body.

• Stress relief:

Yoga can relieve stress, which can help with digestion.

• Poses:

Certain yoga poses can help with digestion, such as:

This pose affects the abdominal and pelvic regions, which can help improve digestion.

Pawanmuktasana (wind relieving pose):

This pose can help release trapped gas, which can relieve bloating and discomfort.

Bhujangasana (cobra pose):

This pose stretches the front of the body and compresses the back, which can stimulate the abdominal organs.

Child’s pose:

This pose gently stretches the spine, thighs, hips, and ankles, and can also lightly compress the stomach to activate digestion.

Twists and turns:

These poses can stimulate the muscles and organs in the abdominal region, which can increase blood flow, release tension, and activate the digestive organs.






Effect of Exercise – Improved Metabolism


1.Calorie burning

Your body utilizes more energy when you exercise, which results in burning more calories. Running, swimming, and cycling are examples of cardiovascular exercises that can increase heart rate and increase calorie burn. HIIT, or high-intensity interval exercise, is another effective way to burn calories fast.

2.Following burn and Putting on muscle

Even when you’re at rest, gaining muscle can raise your metabolic rate since it uses more energy than fat. Exercise-induced post-exercise calorie burning (EPOC, or afterburn) can last up to 72 hours in your body. activity tha

t is more severe will cause your metabolism to remain elevated for a longer period of time; the effect peaks one hour after activity.

3.Diminishing fat tissue

Triacylglycerols in adipose tissue are broken down by your body during exercise to produce fatty acids, which power your muscles. This may enhance metabolism and aid in the reduction of adipose tissue mass.






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